DONATION PLEDGE: S$42,327.00 as at 14 Jan 2010, 12pm

DISTANCE COVERED: 150 km as at 2 Jan 2010, 9am

Friday, January 1, 2010

81.1km in 12hour 58min at 4:03PM

Just finished her 4th round minutes ago, we can see Kelly's physical is taking a toll but her mental is still going strong.
Before starting her 4th rounds, she plan to slow down for this lap and complete in more than 2hrs. But, her mental toughness beats her weaken physical body.
An unexpected friend came along to support her and with the official pacer, she did a fast walk with the 2 pacers pushing and pulling her along and completed the 4th lap in just 4min slower than the previous.
From the 5th lap onwards, we will have 2 pacers with her untill the end. The pacer schedule need a drastic change to cater for the extra pacer required.

2 pacers supporting Kelly for her 4th lap

Suffering and agony but very determined to push on